Selected Clips and Information from Various Sports
Sports has played a significant role in the lifestyles of many people who are actively engaged in these rigorous activities. It improves health quite a bit. I know that had I not played sports, I'd be one fat person. Quite the opposite, though I wouldn't call myself completely skinny either. My personal opinion? Sports is a lot of fun. Granted, I don't like every sport available; my favorites include volleyball, soccer, football, and bowling. My least favorite sports are probably tennis, baseball, and table tennis. I really like to watch baseball though, it's a pretty cool sport. The Seattle Mariners have pulled off a great reason; yes, in fact they broke their record for most wins in a season, this season. They deserved it, after how much I was cheering them on.
I can't think of one sport I truly hate though. I do think golf is a bit boring, but with Tiger Woods there he's pretty cool. He's inspired a lot of kids and teenagers into playing the game of golf. I admit, I've been glued to a TV set when he plays golf sometimes. But given the option of watching golf, and playing volleyball, you'll find me at the second option.
You can frequently find me watching ESPN, or CNN sports. Especially in recent months with the terrorist attacks, sports is one topic that was among the less affected subjects of general life. Society, U.S. news, and top headlines? All 9-11 related. All of um. Just hearing about the attacks is pretty depressing, but I'm glad it's brought us closer together.
Getting back to the idea of sports. Sports was in fact affected by 9-11. I remember how Major League Baseball was canceled for a week because teams were afraid to fly in the air. I couldn't but help be depressed. Those fricken terrorists piss me off. Someone ought to kick their ass. If I sound pissed, it's because I am. They ruined our entire normal life style. The events of 9-11 are completely fresh in my mind. Thankfully, I didn't know anyone directly affected by the incident. But, in fact one of my friends goes to Syracuse University in New York. She knew two friends who lost their dads. Damn terrorists. I thought that sports would be our last venue for escaping these painful ordeals. Frankly, I was looking forward to thinking of something else other than the tragedy. But with the temporary suspension of all sports activities, that was a double bummer. I respect athletes a lot; they are people, and Mark McGuire once said something along the lines of ensuring the security and safety of athletes and their families, before enjoyment. Upon reflection, I agree with this dude. He's got a point, perhaps I was being a bit selfish.

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