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1/24/2002: Well, the Olympics are coming up soon; visit um in Salt Lake City.
4/6/2002: Sad update. I know I haven't updated my site for a while, and ever since I left the "addictive" ODP hobby I've been pretty much depressed; actually not because of my departure from the ODP, but the events that occurred around the time of resignation that happened in my real life, and hence in part one of the reasons why I DID quit.
For more information, see a personal tab in the "About Page." Sorry for the lack of Updates. I will try and get around to doing them, because I know how much sports can really make me happy heh.
Hope all is well with you buddy.
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You should check out the "What's New" page. Think if you have an interest in sports, you'll probably find it interesting. Most of the text is about volleyball, baseball (the athletes themselves), football, and soccer. I might add more in the future, but for now, I've got my work cut out for me.
Recent Sports Events
The Olympics come only once every two years, since there are technically two types: the summer and the winter. The winter Olympics is coming quite soon to the U.S.A at Salt Lake city. I would go, but unfortunately, for lack of resources I can't. Besides, I've got other things to fill in the time, especially with college swinging in full gear, might be hard to keep up with the rest of the world.
Prospective Athletes
We're all beginners at one point at just about everything you do. Avoiding to make some chessy statements, I'll [unfortunately] add that if you've got the will and interest, then you've got the potential. Being one who absolutely sucked at volleyball royally, I can confirm that I've improved quite a bit. In my opinion, without being conceited, that's the honest truth. You have to be a bit careful with what type of sports you play; if you're not willing to take some risks, you won't enjoy the full experience. Sports can sometimes be dangerous, no one wants or plans to get hurt, but you've got to prepare for it. Want to minimize injury and prevent it in the first place? I'll have some tips on this later, hopefully.
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This link allows you, as visitors to my site, to ask and answer questions about general sports (even those not covered), safety tips, and sports-related news.
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