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Draft of Resignation
I'm in the process of drafting a resignation letter right now, for reasons stated below. Any non-ODP editor should feel free to give some input.
Hello Heather, Zeph, Katarina, Kmetas, and Staff -
I'm emailing to everyone I know the email address to who has a significant influence in K&T, my primary area of interest. This is coming as extremely sudden, I know, and I'm taking a huge step.
First off I'd like to thank each of you for helping me out throughout my six months here. I feel that I have dedicated a lot of time to the project, and hope that you feel my accomplishments have been viewed with high regards. I am also enjoying my role as a Kids and Teens meta, and that will never change. I thank the three kmetas who appointed me, bldarter, toocynical, and holidayzone - for placing such a high level of trust in me. For that, I am humbled.
Lately, however, I have been extremely bogged down with studies here at the university, and while I certainly enjoy my editing time here at DMOZ, I'm simply dedicating too much to it while sacrificing some quality and quantity time on study time that I could be using in real life. Please respect that. I also don't want a big deal made out of my resignation as this is both inappropriate and counterproductive to the ideals of ODP's public forum.
Like Sharon (aka Sready), I am experiencing burnout. However, unlike Sharon, I in fact DID want kmeta privileges thrown on me; it was really a privilege. I intend to come back when the environment is more to my liking. My resignation is in fact due to a number of factors, but the real life realm is the most dominant one to say the least.
I have each of you to thank for, so I'll spell out each character traits I've seen.
Staff (aka Lindy and Bob) - I thank lindy for faciliating exciting projects in the K&T directory. She's maintained a high level of activity despite no longer being required to oversee staff activities. Bob is the last standing staff member, and he shoulders a huge burden. While I don't always agree with staff-imposed decisions and the priorities they set for themselves, I've learned to live with them. They're reasonable people, and to oversee an entire editing community of over 40000 editors, I realize it is not an easy job.
Kennebec, to say the least, you've undoubtedly been a tremendous asset to both K&T and helping me in becoming a better editor. I thank you for your continued participation in the K&T arena, and hope that you will continue to expand your interests and take on additional responsibilities. You're capable of it, and you know it.
Zeph, ICQ chats won't be the same. Everytime I log on ICQ now, you won't be able to tell me what's going on in DMOZ as it will be a breach in forum policy :(. Nonetheless, you've got the potential to be such a great editor. Please don't waste this. Learning the virtue of patience is always a hard thing at times, taking disagreement with a light note isn't always easy, and rebounding back from such action is perhaps one of the hardest things to do.
Degroot, you've been one of the best friends I've had at DMOZ. I sometimes wonder who the more senior editor is, despite who has super edit privileges. Your civil and good-natured character is something that will go quite far in life. I hope to get the occassional email from you every now and then. Mentor zippy300, and tell him I apologize for the rejection, I was just doing my job to the best of my abilities. You have not only been a tremendous asset to the K&T community, you've been a life-saver as well. You've persuaded me to abandon the possibility of a resignation, and I'm sure the directory thanks you for that.
Brad, I really do admire a meta who heeds the words of an invite. If editors are invited, in my opinion they should acknowledge such a privilege. I thank you for your brief, but very informative comments in the science reorganization. While you're not as active as other kmetas persay, your presence is limitless, significant, and vital. Don't lose sight of that.
T6, I'm not sure what I can say. I really haven't had the time to become acquainted with you as a colleague, but from my limited experiences I'm sure you are, without a doubt, a reasonable person. Continue your accomplishments.
Katarina, my fellow editing partner in reorganizations. Much thanks for all the work and good advice you've given to new editors, and I thank you for your contributions in the comics and cartoons reorganization. Please continue the phenomenal work you've displayed. I expect a promotion to kmeta for all existing keditalls, and you're no exception.
Toocynical, I really haven't had contact with you at all in recent months, but I do hope that you are doing well. Hopefully, I will get an email every now and then from you as well. Perhaps I will email you and holidayzone in the very very near future.
Marcolou, you have always been a great friend on ICQ, asking questions about K&T has been a pleasure answering :). If you have future questions, holidayzone will be better equipped to answer them in any case. I hope to see you and the other people on ICQ regularly, despite my homework schedule tightening up.
Holidayzone, a HUGE thank you. Sincerely. You have not only been a great editor, communicator, and leader, you've been a great FRIEND. I hope you considered me the same. Please continue to lead the K&T community as you have been; don't let classic editors wreck havoc in the directory. You're not only an exceptional editor, you've quite assertive. I guess being the editor of multiple newspapers comes in handy, doesn't it? I know that you, of most people, would be most surprised by such a bold action. This is completely spontaneous, I realize this. But again, please respect my decision. This is not a permanent resolution, please realize this. I do hope to come back in the future, but of course I cannot guarantee anything of the sorts. I am sorry if you saw mentoring me as a waste of time, and in the grand scheme of things, I hope you have seen my accomplishments with high regards.
I've resigned today, reporting that I am to focus more efforts and energy on real life. I hope they take it well; and I feel incredibly odd that K&T will have to grow without my help. It's good for both me and the directory though, there's no use having an editor who can't focus on board; it is bound to cause trouble.
--- Lars
Hi, I've been debating whether or not to write about this since this is suppose to be purely a sports site, but hell I'm maintaining the site so I guess that gives me the right to talk about this doesn't it?
The biggest change was the increased and unanticipated work load, but there are also some minor but VERY significant changes that have negatively influenced me.
First off, I should probably add I should lay off the drinking for a bit no? My dog is reportedly going to die soon, his health is really not at all good. Today I received a plastic dog that made noise from my friend, it was a really nice gesture and I know she meant well, but nothing really replaces this dog. I've had him ever since my pre-teen years, and to see him go is going to be a really big and bad change for me. I normally don't like this sentimentally-mushy diary type of entry, but hell I guess men need to get this sort of thing out of their system sometimes.
Second minor but significant change. My car got totaled. Not completely luckily, but front bumpers got dented significantly; it's a bit noticeable. I have yet to sort out the legalities and insurance details with the company. Still not completely financially independent from my family (I don't expect to be...but what can you do besides just work at it), but I know it will not go too well with them. I hate putting them through this sort of sh---, they don't deserve it at all, should be a bit more careful.
Anyhow back to the dog (cars can be replaced, dogs can too but not the same dog...just won't be the same), thankfully, no one in my family is experiencing the same things my poor dog is. But still, the dog has been an integrated part of the family, hell he is almost a person. I will definitely miss Rufus, he's been a really cool pal to walk in the park with. Enough rambling now; I will get off the computer and play with him a bit now, God knows time is running out.
--- Lars
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